§ 14-33. Denial or revocation; appeal.  

Latest version.
  • Any business permit issued under this article may be denied or revoked by the village manager for failure to provide valid information material to the legitimate health, safety and welfare interests of the village, or upon the disclosure of criminal activity in the conduct of the business. Any person whose business permit is revoked, or whose application therefor is denied, may appeal such decision to the village council, which shall hear the appeal at the next regularly scheduled village council meeting, or at a specially set meeting within 30 days of the filing of a request for such a hearing. Such hearing shall be conducted as provided by the village council with the purpose of providing the permittee or applicant with fundamental due process and an opportunity to confront the evidence or witnesses opposed to such permit. The decision of the village council concerning the application or permit shall be final.

(Code 1994, § 14-68)