§ 2-3. Emergency powers of the village manager.  

Latest version.
  • Upon declaration of a state of emergency by the village council or the governor of the State of Florida, the following matters shall be implemented, without further action of the village council:


    The village manager shall have authority to contract up to a total of $50,000.00 for goods and services without village council approval, and up to a total of $75,000.00 if it is not possible to obtain a quorum of the village council for an emergency meeting of the village council within 24 hours.


    All bidding requirements shall be suspended, and the village manager shall employ sound purchasing practices including requests for quotations and proposals, either orally or in writing, or comparative pricing.


    The village manager shall consult with the director of public safety and by execution of a jointly signed document may affect a curfew throughout all or part of the village for a period not exceeding 72 hours, without village council approval. Such curfew may include all pedestrian or vehicular use of public rights-of-way, public facilities, and private facilities normally having public access.


    The village manager may call an emergency meeting of the village council for any other matter, item, request, or event that exceeds his normal or emergency authority.

    (Ord. No. 2015-35, § 1, 8-28-2015)

    Charter reference— Powers and duties of the village manager, § 4.04.

    Cross reference— Emergency purchases, § 58-12

(Code 1994, § 2-2)