§ 34-402. Preliminary plat.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    One print of the preliminary plat shall be submitted to the village clerk with the construction plans.


    The preliminary plat shall coincide with the subdivision site plan, as approved by the village council or as amended by the village manager. When a large tract is developed into two or more increments and the incremental development does not provide for the continuous development or does not totally encompass drainage outfalls shown on the subdivision site plan, a description for a separate instrument providing a drainage easement or right-of-way must be submitted with the preliminary plat. Upon submittal of the final plat, the drainage easement or right-of-way instrument shall be submitted fully executed, in sufficient form for recording.


    The preliminary plat shall conform to the following:


    The preliminary plat shall be prepared on sheets having overall dimensions of 24 inches by 36 inches, reserving three inches on the left margin and a one-half-inch margin on all remaining sides. A three-inch by five-inch space shall be provided in the upper righthand corner to be used by the clerk of the circuit court for recording information.


    The preliminary plat is to be drawn from an accurate survey at a scale of not smaller than 100 feet to the inch, or as otherwise determined by the village engineer, as to error of closure by the surveyor.


    If more than two sheets are required, the preliminary plat shall contain an index sheet as page one, showing the entire subdivision on one sheet and indexing the area shown on each succeeding sheet.


    The preliminary plat shall have a vicinity sketch showing the subdivision's location in reference to other areas of the village.


    There shall be lettered or printed on the preliminary plat a full and detailed description of the land embraced in the plat. The description shall show the section, township and range in which the lands are situated, if not platted or not in a land grant, or portions thereof, and must be so complete that from it, without reference to the map, the starting point can be determined and the boundaries run.


    The preliminary plat shall contain the name of the subdivision, surveyor and streets. The plat shall show the scale, date and northpoint, with north being at the top or right side of the map or within the 90-degree quadrant of the map when practical; boundary lines of the proposed subdivision; lot lines; parcels of land to be dedicated to the public, a property owner's association, cooperative or condominium; easements; street right-of-way lines; and other property lines, drawn to scale, with tentative dimensions.


    The preliminary plat shall show the proposed location of permanent reference monuments as required by F.S. ch. 177.


    The preliminary plat shall show all municipal, county, township, range and section lines occurring within the subdivision, accurately tied to the lines of the subdivision by distance and bearing. Where such lines do not occur within the subdivision, bearings and distances shall be provided to the nearest established section or quarter section corner and shall be accurately described on the plat.


    The preliminary plat shall show the name or number and right-of-way width of each street or right-of-way shown on the plat and the location, dimension and purpose of any easements. Proposed streets which are obviously in alignment with other existing and named streets shall bear the assigned name of the existing streets. In no case, except as indicated in the preceding sentence, shall the name of the proposed street, excluding a numerical system, duplicate or be phonetically similar to existing street names, irrespective of the use of the suffix street, avenue, boulevard, drive, place, court, etc.


    The preliminary plat shall show the numbering or lettering of all lots and blocks. All lots shall be numbered or lettered by progressive numbers or lettered in each block. Blocks in each incremental plat shall be numbered or lettered consecutively throughout a subdivision.


    Excepted parcels not included in the preliminary plat must be marked "not part of this plat." Nonincluded parcels shall not be surrounded by the subdivision without adequate access for possible eventual development of the nonincluded parcel.


    The preliminary plat shall identify all adjacent property as to whether it is unplatted or, if subdivided, the name of the subdivision with the plat book and page number.


    The preliminary plat shall contain on the face or first page of the plat the form and signature space for the following certifications and approvals, acknowledged as required by law, and in the form set forth in this article, but need not be executed until the plat is submitted in final form:


    Dedication by owner.


    Mortgage consent, when applicable.


    Certificate of the surveyor.


    Approval of the board of county commissioners.


    Approval of the village engineer.


    Approval of the county engineer.


    Certification of title.


    Approval of the village council.

(Code 1994, § 30-278)