§ 34-662. Amendments.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    All amendments to the comprehensive plan shall be filed with the village manager according to a filing and processing schedule and an application content instruction which shall be issued and from time to time revised by him.


    Upon receipt of completed applications and after the announced semiannual application deadline set by the village manager, copies of all requested amendments shall be forwarded to the county local planning agency, the local planning agencies of all adjacent or nearby municipalities, the county countywide planning council and all state, regional and county agencies determined to have an interest or which have requested copies of such applications. In referring copies of applications for comment, the village manager shall request responses within a time certain in order to provide the information to the local planning agency and the village council.


    The village manager and appropriate village staff shall review the requested amendments and the comments received from other governmental agencies and shall make a recommendation to the local planning agency. The local planning agency shall conduct a hearing as required by F.S. ch. 163 and shall make a recommendation to the village council.


    The village manager shall present to the village council all recommendations and comments presented to the local planning agency, as well as the report of the local planning agency. The village council shall conduct a hearing, transmit the amendments for review by the department of community affairs and take further action as specified in F.S. ch. 163.

(Code 1994, § 30-442)

State law reference

Comprehensive plan amendments, F.S. § 163.3184.