§ 34-1114. Procedure for approval of community residential homes.  

Latest version.
  • An application for a special exception shall be accompanied by the information identified in F.S. § 419.001(3)(a), including all information identified as being the responsibility of the district administrator of the state. The village manager, or his designee, shall review the materials submitted and determine if the submission complies with the requirements of this subdivision and the requirements for a multifamily development as set out in this article. In considering its action on the request, the village council shall, in addition to the requirements and standards for multifamily dwellings as set out in this article and in the comprehensive plan, consider the standards and provisions of F.S. § 419.001(3)(b) and (c), F.S. § 419.001(4), and F.S. § 419.001(8).

(Code 1994, § 30-774; Ord. No. 2012-26, § 3, 10-11-2012)