§ 34-1172. Development standards.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Hours of operation. A SSF shall only operate between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m.


    On-site waiting areas. Any waiting areas shall be located on the premises where services are provided. The owner or operator must ensure that persons receiving service do not block public access to sidewalks, rights-of-way or private property, and the emergency access points are clearly identified and maintained. The owner or operator must demonstrate that adequate space is available to accommodate the expected number of persons using the facility.


    Outdoor uses. All exterior waiting areas and exterior activity areas associated with the social service facility shall be adequately buffered from abutting properties and streets with a fence, wall or hedge that meets Code requirements.


    Management plan. All SSFs will provide a management plan for village review and approval that includes, but is not limited to the following:


    Description of services provided;


    Facility capacity;


    Staff on premises;


    Security plan;


    Transportation provided;


    Restroom facilities;


    Trash and cigarette receptacles;



    Further, the operator/licensee may be required to undertake additional security measures, based on the number of complaints or calls for service for incidents at the premises, as determined by the police chief. Such additional security measures, as approved by the police chief, may include provisions of on-site security at the operator's sole expense.


    Distance separation. Social service facility uses shall be separated from other uses, as measured property line to property line, as follows:


    Shall not be any closer than 500 feet from any other social service facility;


    Shall not be closer than 200 feet from a residential property;


    Shall not be closer than 500 feet from a school or place of worship;


    Shall not be closer than 200 feet from a medical marijuana dispensary, bar, nightclub, or liquor store.


    Compatibility. It shall be demonstrated that a proposed SSF does not adversely impact abutting properties, including but not limited to, outdoor lighting, noise, parking, ingress and egress, loading and unloading, traffic and local circulation.


    Facilities available to the public. All SSFs shall provide adequate restroom facilities for staff and volunteers as well as the anticipated number of persons being served, including equipment and procedures for hand washing and for the lawful disposal of waste and wastewater at the property.


    Food distribution. SSFs approved for food distribution shall provide an indoor dining area that meets all state, county and village requirements for food service establishments or similar uses. One person, certified as a food service manager under F.S. § 509.039, shall be present at all times that food is being prepared and served. Food distribution is also subject to the following:


    Adequate storage shall be provided to retain food at a temperature of:


    41°F or below; or


    135°F or above.


    Food service shall be provided within four hours of preparation; and/or


    Transportation of pre-prepared foods shall be conducted in a manner of clean conveyance and held at appropriate temperatures.


    State agency approval. Evidence of preliminary state agency approval, such as a temporary or conditional license, or a current state agency license shall be provided to the village when one is required.


    On-site parking spaces and driveway areas, and off-street parking and loading. Safe and clear access to the facility and on-site parking spaces and driveway areas shall be provided in compliance with the provisions of the off-street parking and loading regulations as specified in division 8 of this article.

(Ord. No. 2017-06, § 4, 5-11-2017)