§ 66-63. Notice of transfer, sale or assignment of assets.  

Latest version.
  • If a communications services provider transfers, sells or assigns its system or any facilities located in the public rights-of-way incident to a transfer, sale or assignment of the communications services provider's assets, the transferee, buyer or assignee shall be obligated to comply with the provisions set forth in this article. Written notice of any such transfer, sale or assignment shall be provided by the communications services provider to the village within 30 days after the effective date of such transfer, sale or assignment. If the transferee, buyer or assignee is not currently registered with the village, then the transferee, buyer or assignee must register as provided in section 66-62 within 60 days of the effective date of such transfer, sale or assignment. If any applications for article IV permits are pending under the communications services provider's name as of the date the village receives written notice of the transfer, sale or assignment, then the village shall consider the transferee, buyer or assignee as the new applicant unless otherwise notified by the communications services provider.

(Ord. No. 2017-29 , § 2, 1-11-2018)